MexicoStockFund.com aims to invest in Mexican stocks and mutual Funds. The Mexican Stock Exchange is called Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, BMV and is hq’ed in Mexico City. The Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV) is the second largest stock exchange in Latin America. American investors wanting to trade Mexican stocks can do so either on the New York Stock Exchange or on the BMV directly through Mexican brokerage firms
Here are some other Mexican Stock Mutual Funds
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Mexican Stocks and Mutual Funds
Stocks are sold in the form of American Depository Receipts (ADR) or through emerging market mutual funds such as Fundo Mundo. Most Mexican stocks pay dividends. The Mexican stock market has demonstrated an upward trend since 2009.
The Mexican economy is primarily an export driven economy with 90 percent of its exports headed to the United States. For this reason, the Mexican stock market follows the economic trends in the United States. The products Mexico exports include aircraft, petrochemicals, cement, food, beverages, silver, and agricultural products. Commodities exported from Mexico include oil, silver, fruit, vegetables, coffee, and cotton. The Mexican economy experienced a 3-4 percent growth in gross domestic product last year and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects continue growth through 2018. The IMF also reported the banking system in Mexico is strong, as it has limited exposure to United States and European debt. The risks involved in the Mexican economy include issues related to the continued violence with the drug cartels impacting commerce and a major downturn in the United States economy.
Mexico Stock Fund
Transportation Stocks in Mexico: Grupo Aeruportario Centro Norte, company that manages airports in Mexican tourist destinations, trade on the NASDAQ under the symbol OMAB. This stock pays a 4.3 percent dividend.
Telecommunications Stocks in Mexico: Telephonos de Mexico is a telecommunications company that owns 90 percent of the fixed telephone lines in Mexico. This stock pays a 2.3 percent dividend. America Movil L’ADS trades under the symbol AMX. This company provides wireless and fixed line telephone services, broadband, and paid television to customers in Mexico.
Food and Beverage Stocks in Mexico: Formento Economico Mexicano trades under the symbol FMX. This company is a major distributor of Coca Cola products throughout Central and South America. KOF distributes Coca Cola products throughout Mexico.
Industrial Products Construction Stocks in Mexico: Cemex, SA is a major exporter of cement and other construction products.Sim Grupo Simec ADS is a major global exporter of steel products. Empresa Ica Sociedad is a civil engineer firm, which contracts with the Mexican government to complete infrastructure related products, such as roads and bridges.
Finance Stocks in Mexico: TV Azteca, SA, ADS is an short driven investment fund traded under the symbol TZA
Retail Stocks in Mexico: Walmart de Mexico is the Mexican subsidiary of the US based discount retailer.
This article is intended as an overview of the Mexican stocks and mutual funds and not to provide investment advice. It is the responsibility of the investor to do their own due diligence in regards to any stocks mentioned in this article.
Mexican Stock Exchange:The Mexican Stock Exchange is confusingly named for foreigners, going by trade names including Mexican Stock Exchange, Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV: BOLSA) and BOLSA, MEXBOL, and BOLSA IPC, depending on where you look, but make up Mexico’s only primary stock exchange. The exchange is the second largest in South America with a total market capital of $526.197 billion in USD in November of 2014. This capital also places them as the fifth largest in the Americas. The primary function of the market is to push growth and development, and has several unique regulations regarding trade and standards within Mexico. In 2014, the Mexico Stock Exchange became the 12th exchange to join the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative. While the Mexico Stock Exchange only has 143 listings, it has a trade volume of $12.08 billion in USD and trades with multiple countries including Chili, Columbia, and Peru.