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USA Stock Fund
Investing for the meek, the strong and the bold in US Stocks
Deciding to invest on US stock funds is not as difficult as what most Americans think. With the information about investments, what funds to invest on and how to do it, being available to just about anyone and your financial status is currently well, there is virtually no more obstacles left to stop you other than yourself. To help you out here are the best US stock funds, technically called US equity funds, you can invest in. They may be brief but understand that these are basically all the thing that you need to know about them so that you can decide on what is the best investment for you. They are categorized into easy to identify groups.
Safe-to-Invest Stock Funds: If you think you are still in that stage that every penny invested is worth so much that you cannot afford to lose any single one of them then go for stock funds that offer stable returns during good times and almost no investment lost during bad times. These types of stock fund invest on companies that have been in the business for decades to ensure stability in investment returns, albeit modest rates. Therefore, the good side is that it is a sure gain. The downside, the gain is very modest at its best you will never hit the fortune-making returns during the best market turnouts. You might as well put your money in a savings account.
New York Stock Exchange: The New York Stock Exchange is considered the largest stock exchange in America, and the leading exchange in the world. The exchange also boasts the largest exchange of capital in the world, despite having fewer companies than the NASDAQ. The exchange trades in some 2,800 companies including blue-chips and high-growth companies and maintains a very strict set of requirements for traded companies. Because of this, the NYSE is considered one of the most high-quality exchanges, and trades some 1.46 billion shares each day. While the most difficult to get into, the New York Stock Exchange also trades in the highest securities, making it ideal for high-capital investors who want to get the most out of their money.
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) NASDAQ Chicago Stock Exchange
Alberta Stock Exchange Montreal Stock Exchange Toronto Stock Exchange
With over 40 major stock exchanges in North America, choosing a single stock exchange is not an easy task. While many people choose exchanges based on offerings, securities, or availability, you may also want to look into other offerings. The largest stock exchanges in North America are a good place to start, as these exchanges exchange stocks in huge volume, and often have quite strict regulations for both companies and brokers. The three largest stock exchanges include the American Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, and the New York Stock Exchange, although each offers something different.
American Stock Exchange:The American Stock Exchange is the most open of the largest of the American stock exchanges, resulting in numerous small businesses trading with the company. The American Stock Exchange or AMEX is the third largest stock exchange in North America with over 1,700 options traded on stocks, American Depository Receipts, indexes, Exchange Traded Funds, and HOLDRS. AMEX was also the first exchange to trade in Exchange Traded Funds, and as a result, has a listing of over 150 general EFTs. AMEX is owned by the NASD (National Association of Securities Dealers), but are completely separate from the NASDAQ. While AMEX previously traded in major stocks, the exchange is now mostly known for trading in small companies, small cap options, options, and exchange traded funds. The exchange operates on a trading floor, using specialists to bring buyers and sellers together, and to moderate exchanges to ensure that they are fair for both parties.
NASDAQ:The NASDAQ is the most famous stock exchange in the world, and also one of the largest. While they do deal in more stocks than the New York Stock Exchange, the NYSE does beat them in terms of capital, but NASDAQ boasts more trading volume than any other stock exchange in North America. It’s also an electronic exchange, unlike the other two largest, which both use a trading floor. The NASDAQ carries out approximately 1.8 billion trades per day for more than 3,300 company listings. The NASDAQ is unique in that it mainly specializes in high tech exchange with mostly high-growth volatile stocks. Because the listing fees are considerably lower than the New York Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ appeals to startups which are prone to quickly growing or failing, making it a more volatile market. As a dealers market, brokers get to buy and sell stocks through a market maker rather than through each other, and new companies are able to deal through market makers as well. The NASDAQ itself is also a publicly owned company, and is traded on the exchange as NDAQ.
Vancouver Stock Exchange Winnipeg Stock Exchange Mexican Stock Exchange
Chicago Board Options Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Kansas City Board of Trade Minneapolis Grain Exchange Philadelphia Stock Exchange
While there are multiple stock exchanges on the North American Market, choosing one should depend on your investment capital, your desired security, and your desired investment. Each of the largest stock exchanges in North America cater to a different type of investor, with the American Stock Exchange offering lower value stocks, the NASDAQ offering volatile stocks with the potential for a high return or a loss, and the New York Stock Exchange offering blue-chip stocks with high-security. For those who prefer to deal with smaller companies and startups, there are also numerous stock exchanges that don’t come anywhere near being one of the largest in North America, but that still make a good investment. In some cases, you can also choose an exchange based on availability. For example, the NASDAQ has the highest volume of exchanges in North America because they are an electronic exchange, and can be accessed from anywhere rather than the trading floor in New York. Essentially, there are dozens of ways to go. If you yourself are a broker then you can determine which option is best for you, otherwise you should consider consulting an investment expert or broker about where to go with your capital and preferred level of security.